mind of THE master himself

mind of THE master himself

mb_031714tree of life

The next morning God looked around and thought, “the earth needs to be a bit more organized.”  So, He put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another.  When He had finished that, God made plants to cover the land.  Dandelions and daffodils appeared.  All sorts of trees and grasses began to grow.  “It’s looking great”, said God and that was the end of the third day.

The next day, God turned his attention to the water he had collected in the oceans.  “I want these waters teeming with life!”  As soon as He said it, it was so.  In no time, there were millions of small fish darting through the shallow water and huge fish swimming in the ocean.  God made birds, too.  He sent them soaring through the air.  “Ahh, that IS good!, “said God.  The dusk fell over the water and the sky grew dark and that was the end of the fifth day.

… and we pray…. with love and light, Michele

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