The Beauty of Time

The Beauty of Time


I had the pleasure of hosting guests this past weekend—family I don’t get to see often, but always welcome the opportunity when it arises. We tend to get past what’s going on in our lives rather fluidly and start pondering broader subjects. Nothing topical—we never discussed the state of insanity that is the world at this very moment (at least our little corner of it)—but things more personal, more life defining. In doing so I found myself thinking back to some of those very moments and realizing I, like most people I am sure, have lost some time while dealing with all that life throws at me on a daily basis. All for the good, but none the less, lost. We bid our guests farewell and conversations were stored away for future visits. Then this morning, as I pulled a box out for other reasons, I found a sketchbook from a number of years ago I had totally forgotten about. It immediately summoned the conversations of the weekend and those life defining moments. The drawing is just a symbol of them but the sketchbook it came from documented a very strong moment in time—a turning point. I am not one to take for granted when or if there will be another, but it reminded me that the moment happened and that I am better off for it. It reminded me that even though time seems to fly by faster and faster each day, the moments accumulate and add up, and how we spend those moments and with whom is what we will remember in time.—Dominick

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