Six Months Later

Six Months Later


One of the many things that makes reportage illustration so amazing is the idea that I can sit anywhere in the world, pull out my pen and ink, and draw. It is some strange hybrid of action drawings, happening, and plein air painting that makes the whole thing breath of life. Six months ago I found myelf in Washington, DC working once again—minus the sitting, and eventually the ink froze, but I did get in a few drawings the day of Barack Obama’s inauguration as President. I found this one in the pile of drawings that were not posted in April.—Dominick

Comments (4)

  1. margaret

    Nice Dom! What a great event to record!

  2. Veronica

    Fantastic! The drawing even feels cold. Glad one of us was there to record the event…historic!

  3. Michele

    He taught you well. “There may be frozen ink, frozen fingers – but get the job done, … CHANGE!

    Really nice drawing Dom.

  4. despina

    Yea, it’s really great that one of us went and drew the event! It feels like one in eight of all Americans were there! Reeeeallly like this drawing!

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