Reality TV White House

Reality TV White House


A week after the election and a few days after the Trump protestors had marched down Fifth Avenue in NYC, I decided to take a walk over to the Trump Tower to see what was going on. And what was going on were crowds of selfie takers! There were barricades everywhere, one lone protestor left for the cause – and a ton of tourists taking selfies in front of the ‘white house north”. I had been there Tuesday in the rain and saw a group of protestors (my full blog post will be up later today for those interested HERE) but on that sunny Wednesday the tourists had taken over the space. And the New Yorkers were not happy. I overheard two Hasidic housewives talking to one of the cops standing guard: “This is how he starts his presidency? Holding up traffic? NOT GOOD!” Um, I agree. Please do not turn midtown Manhattan into DC North.  We don’t need a reality TV White House in midtown during the holidays…

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