Carnegie Hall

Carnegie Hall


One of the wonderful things about living in NYC is that opportunities come up to attend musical and cultural events. This is from a concert I had the good fortune to hear at Carnegie Hall. I love drawing musicians and performers; they get lost in the moment and the music and are so totally engrossed…the body language is pure joy. This conductor’s hands never stopped moving, and the woman on the harpsichord expressed it all with her hair! Is that called a baroque beehive? Love it – Veronica

See more of these drawings on my blog.

Comments (3)

  1. michele

    I think I know her. Does she live in Queens?
    love the drawings.

  2. margaret

    i love the one – on – one! What a coupling!

  3. Veronica

    Yes, the one on one is intense.

    Not sure if she lives in Queens Michele, but her hair might have visited!!

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